Chapter 3:- Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter 12th HSC Maharashtra state board.


In earlier chapters you have studied various optical phenomena like reflection, rebel refraction, interference, diffraction and polarization of light.

– light is electromagnetic radiation and most of the phenomenone mentioned have explained considering light os a Wave.

– we are also bomlar with the wave nature of electromagnetic radiation in other regions like x-ray, V-ray sinsrared ood ultraviolent sadiator.

– Electromagnetic radiation consist of oscillating electric and emagnetic fields.

Amplitude period and frequency:-

Spectrum of blackbody:-

Quantization of energy:-[scientist – plank]

1] energy emit – photon

2] higher frequency, higher photon


where, V= frequency

h= plank constant

n= number of packet

– Einstein photoelectric effect is also based plank theory.

photoelectric Effect:-

Heinrich Hertz

Ur light

metal surface

High voltage spark

Threshold frequency:-

-minimum frequency-for emit of element

Photoelectric experiment:-

Acceleration potential:-

– accelerated the electron.

Restoring potential:-

-slow down the electron.

Wave Particle duality of electromagnetic radiation:-

– light have energy pockets called quanto

Further experiment Dethl.

quanta is accociated with momentum.

Experiment of crompton:-

photon associated with momentum.

all photons of same frequency having same

Photons are electrically neutral.

Photon Cen hove collision like particle.

→photon always moves with speed of light (3×18 ~/5)

These phenomena is termed A Wave- particle duality of electromagnetic radiation.

Photo cell:-

– Devise whid convert light energy into electrical energy.

– it is hypothesis .

De-Braglie hypothesis:-

– He used the properties of:-


Wave length

Energy (E)

Momentum (P)

use to detice Particle nature b light.

P = is momentum of particle with energy E.

P = e/c

where C = speed of light

P = E/C

p = h * 1/lambda

lambda = c/v

P = (hv)/c

therefore E C = hv * C

E = hv

P = h * d/c

u = e/h

For particle of mass ‘m’ ho having vekaty (v):

lambda = h/(mv)

= h/(m * sqrt(2E_{k}))

= h/m * sqrt(m/(2epsilon_{4})

E_{m} = qx

E_{A} = x hekse

A =h sqrt 1 28.m

lambda = h * sqrt(1/(2qvm)).

Devission and gemer experiment:-


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